Which Investigation Services Do I Need?

The combination of searches performed in pre-employment or member screening should supply the information needed to protect your organization’s reputation, employees and clients. The reasoning behind which screening services are conducted can become especially important if your diligence is later questioned. Some industries are guided by legal screening obligations, but merely fulfilling legal requirements does not always mean due diligence has been performed.

When recommending searches to include in a background investigation, there is no single combination of searches that ensures reasonable care– the searches performed should be based on the position an applicant is filling. However, a County Criminal Record History and a Social Security and Residence Trace are almost always part of any thorough screening process. From here, considering the following aspects of the position you are filling can help determine which searches are needed to achieve due diligence:

Duties of The Position

First, consider the duties of the position and the potential risks associated with those duties. If the applicant will be driving, a Motor Vehicles History is needed. A Credit Report is a prudent search to perform if the applicant will have control of finances or funding. One of the most important factors to consider is if the applicant is responsible for care-giving or will be interacting with vulnerable populations such as children.

Level of Authority/Responsibility

The greater the responsibility and authority of an employee’s position, the greater the potential damage an employee can cause. The actions and decisions of senior management and executives cause lasting, public, and widespread repercussions. Additionally, employees in these positions are often the “public face” of your organization, and are considered to represent your organization at all times–whether they are technically on the clock or not.

Level of Access

The level of access granted is another key consideration. For example, even if the duties of the position do not directly involve finance or spending, the applicant may still have access to company funds. Access to sensitive or proprietary information as well as access to prescription drugs should also be assessed. In these cases, a Civil Record History or a Federal Record History should be conducted accordingly.

Qualifications Required

The employer should also take into account any qualifications or credentials required for the position. This may include previous experience or specified education, which should always be referenced or verified, as these are two of the most falsified and embellished types of information on applications and resumes.

Exposure Time

Risk increases as exposure time increases. For example, an employee in a full-time position represents your organization for more hours than a part-time employee, resulting in more hours during which that employee could damage your organization.

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